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تاریخ : چهار شنبه 16 بهمن 1398
بازدید : 1665
نویسنده : نعـــــــــــــــیم ایــــــرانــــی

Measure Tools

The measuring tools in Navisworks have some simple commands that make them very powerful. But first we’ll look at the measure window and how to read it.
Figure 1: Measure window
The measure window consists of four rows: Start, End, Difference, and Distance. At the very top are all the measure tools: Point to Point, Point to Multiple Points, Point Line, Accumulate, Angle, Area, Shortest Distance, Clear, Transform Objects, and Convert to Redline. These same tools can be found under the Review tab.
The measuring tool is pretty straightforward, but there are a few things you should understand before measuring. The Start and End rows have three columns. These columns represent from left to right the X,Y,Z coordinates of your measurements based on where your 0,0,0 point is in the project. Navisworks gives you the option to lock your measuring direction to the X,Y,Z axis and parallel or perpendicular to a surface. This is important to remember because if you want to pull certain measurements from your Navisworks model, you need to pay attention to how you export your models or how you position them in Navisworks.
For example, if I want to get the flat dimension between two pipes running straight but at different elevations, I could use the Point to Point measuring tool. After selecting a point on my first pipe I can hit X or Y on my keyboard and Navisworks will lock the measurement to that axis. But what if my Autodesk® Revit® model was rotated 15 degrees and I exported using Shared Coordinates? The X,Y axis in Navisworks would be off, so if I tried this measurement with a rotated model it wouldn’t work. I would either need to zero out my rotation in Navisworks by selecting the entire model and opening its Units and Transform, or I could change the exported setting in Revit to export using Project Internal coordinates.
Another way I could get that measurement if my model was not rotated is by using the shortest distance tool. After selecting the two pipes I can hit the Shortest Distance measurement and Navisworks will (frustratingly) change my view and then pull that measurement. The measurement will be at an angle which is not what we were looking for, but if you look in the Measure window in the Difference row you can see the flat measurement along the X axis. The measurement can be very different from the shortest distance measurement as shown in Figure 2
Figure 2: Reading the difference

Speed Sectioning

Sectioning can be a very useful tool during coordination. Sometimes you will have the luxury of sectioning before a meeting and preparing views, and other times you will need to section on the fly while everyone is waiting. There are quite a few tools for sectioning, but I will only cover the ones I have found most applicable to BIM coordinations. When preparing views before a meeting, Saved Viewpoints are great because they will keep your section cuts, redlines, and hide properties so you can set up views that will clearly display an issue. During a meeting I recommend having the Section Plane Settings window open even when sectioning is turned off.
Figure 3: The sectioning planes window can be turned on under View/Windows/ Sectioning Plane Settings
Sectioning on the fly can be fast and easy. You can try to use the Top, Bottom, Front, Back, Left, or Right standard sections and then move them to the desired location. At times it is also helpful and faster to use the Align to View cut, but your camera is often not straight so your cut will be at an angle. The cut I use most often is the Align to Surface cut. You may have noticed that throughout your Navisworks models there is no shortage of flat surfaces in every view. Whether it be a wall, ceiling, beam, duct, or even hanger, there are plenty of flat surfaces you can use to section quickly with the Align to Surface cut. Within two or three mouse clicks you can have a perfect section cut; when you select Align to Surface your cursor will turn into a crosshair. Use your crosshair to select a flat surface close to where you would like your final cut. Once you select your surface and your section cut is turned on with the check box next to it, you can adjust the cut with the Move command and you’re done. You can add two or more section cuts just as quickly until your scene shows what you need it to show. And if you clicked on the wrong surface or want to pick a different surface, just use the green Re-select button to the right of your cut.
I recommend saving a viewpoint after making important section cuts that you might want to see later.

BIM 360 Glue

As I mentioned earlier, many of the measuring capabilities we have in Navisworks Manage are also in Freedom and BIM 360 Glue. Because this information can be so important we want our project team to have access to it. We have found that the easiest way to empower them to use the models is through BIM 360 Glue. Training anyone on Glue takes less than half an hour, and they will be able to navigate a model, view redlined saved viewpoints, and pull their own dimensions. The Point to Point measuring tool in Glue has a feature that I think Autodesk should consider putting into Navisworks—that is when you take a point-to-point measurement it automatically shows you the X,Y,Z measurements in different colors.
Figure 4: BIM 360 Glue Point to Point measurement
These simple tools can be easily learned and taught to the project team, freeing you up for more technically intensive tasks.

:: موضوعات مرتبط: Website in English language , ,
تاریخ : چهار شنبه 16 بهمن 1398
بازدید : 1465
نویسنده : نعـــــــــــــــیم ایــــــرانــــی


1. Audit file regularly, 
2. Working on latest Revit Build
3. Clean temporary files regularly, 

4. Avoid linking/importing CAD(dwg/dgn) data. See more details here on importing CAD.

5. Reduce warnings 

6. Reduce use of Third Party application.

7. Avoid importing complex geometry.

In Worksharing environment, 

1. Create new local file regularly.

2. While saving use Compact Central Model

3. On Collaboration for Revit, if you are getting errors, clear corrupt & damage model from the system

Further, you can go through the journal file to locate the issues, here is the information on how to read the journal file.

Also, read the Autodesk Knowledge Network article on What causes data corruption

:: موضوعات مرتبط: Website in English language , ,
تاریخ : چهار شنبه 16 بهمن 1398
بازدید : 1554
نویسنده : نعـــــــــــــــیم ایــــــرانــــی


More than 30 ways you can find the missing element in Revit 

1. The object or category is temporarily hidden
2. The object or category is hidden in the view
3. The object is being obscured by another element
4. The object's category or subcategory is hidden in the view
5. The object is outside the view's view range
6. The view's far clip depth is not sufficient to show the object
7. The object resides on a work set that is not loaded within the project
8. The object resides on a work set that is not visible in the view
9. The object resides on a work set that is not loaded in a linked file
10. The object resides on a work set that is not visible in a linked file
11. The object resides within a group (detail model) and it has been excluded from the group
12. The object is part of a design option that is not visible in the view
13. The object is part of a linked file that is not visible in the view
14. The object has one or more of its edges overridden to display as ''
15. The object is a family and none of its geometry is set to be visible in the view type
16. The object is a family and none of its geometry is set to be visible at the view's detail level
17. The object is set to not be visible at the category's detail level
18. The element has been placed outside the view's crop region (visible extents)
19. The element is an annotation object and does not reside entirely within the annotation crop region
20. The object's phase settings or the view's phase settings prevent the object from displaying in the view
21. The view's discipline is prohibiting the visibility of the object
22. The object is affected by a filter applied to the view
23. The object is subject to an element override, set to background color
24. The object is subject to a category override, set to background color
25. The object style is set to background color
26. The object is constrained to a scope boxes that is not visible in the view
27. The extents of the object itself don't permit it to be seen
28. The object is a mass, and 'Show Mass' is turned off
29. The object's host view has been deleted (area boundaries)
30. The view's scale is prohibiting the object's visibility
31. The object is a linked instance with coordinates too great for Revit to handle
32. The user has incorrectly identified the link instance to which the element belongs
33. The object is in a link that is not in its correct position

:: موضوعات مرتبط: Website in English language , ,
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